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Superintendent's Goals

Student Achievement/ Curriculum and Instruction
Goal: To improve the achievement of all students through strong instructional leadership, innovative instruction, technology integration, common assessments, implementation of the LEAP plan and preparation for the California Content Standards and Next Generation of Assessments.

Major Focus:

  1. Increase the awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the California Content Standards.
  2. Begin to implement the California Content Standards and prepare for the Next Generation of Assessments.
  3. mprove the achievement of our low performing sub populations.

Finance and Facilities
Goal: To ensure our financial resources and facilities are aligned to and support the educational program goals we want for our students.

Major Focus:

  1. Budgets are aligned to and support the instructional program. 
  2. Facilities and finances support the instructional program and maximize options for our students.

Investing in Our People and Relationships
Goal: Maximize the support and capacity of our staff, parents, students, community and cities for our educational mission.

Major Focus:

  1. Continue to build an interconnected network of productive working relationships amongst all groups.
  2. Staff skills aligned with instructional goals.