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Please note that If enrolling with an Interdistrict or School of Choice Permit, a Copy of the Permit Approval is required BEFORE enrolling. Enrollment is conditional until all required information is submitted and required documents are provided to the school, including the following:

  • Verification of Age - Acceptable documents are an original, certified birth record from the county recorder, baptism certificate duly attested, or passport. If none of these are obtainable, a sworn affidavit of the parent or guardian is acceptable.
  • Prior Report Card (Elementary/Middle) or Unofficial Transcript (High School) (except for Pre-K/Kindergarten students)
  • Proof of Immunization - Child's most current immunization record. Immunizations must be up to date and submitted prior to the child's first day of school. For information on immunization requirements, please see http://shotsforschool.orgPer CA state law, exemptions for religious or personal beliefs are no longer an option for vaccines required for entry into public or private schools.
  • TK, Kindergarten, and all 1st graders only if new to public school
    • Report of Health Examination Form for School Entry: Record of physical examination completed no more than 6 months prior to school entry.
    • Report of Oral Health/Dental Assessment Form for School Entry: Record of a dental examination completed within 12 months prior to entering school, or a dentist's note specifying dental checkup by June 1 of the the child's first year in school.
  • In District Residents Only - Proof of Residence (MUST PROVIDE ALL 3)
    • Property tax bill, full signed escrow papers, mortgage statement and/or full signed lease agreement and 3 original proofs of payment.
    • Two utility bills - water, gas, or electric. Phone, trash, or cable bills will not be accepted.
    • Any photo identification card (i.e. driver’s license, passport, any government issued identification, or other photo identification card with verifying affidavit if no other identification is obtainable)
  • If enrolling with an Interdistrict or School of Choice Permit, a Copy of the Permit Approval
  • International Students must provide a copy of their F1 or J1 Visa.

Ready to get started?      Enroll